Aspen Bach Flower Essence
According to popular folklore, the cross used for the crucifixion was made from the Aspen tree which caused the tree such anguish that it still trembles at the memory to this day. This gives a clue to the healing properties of the Aspen Bach flower essence, it’s useful for people who experience feelings of unknown dread, anxiety or foreboding as if something terrible is going to happen but they don’t know what.
Aspen can be used to restore harmony in people who are experiencing the following symptoms:
Feelings of dread, apprehension or fear, this can be at any time day or night.
Vivid imagination that goes into overdrive.
Anxiety attacks that can happen either alone or around people.
A creepy sensation, hairs on the back of your neck type feelings.
Feelings of persecution or punishment.
Fear of an invisible force or power.
Fearful fascination with occult phenomena, superstitious, religion and death.
Nightmares, waking up in sheer terror often too scared to go back to sleep.
Afraid of own thoughts but afraid to tell anyone about them.
The essence of Aspen can help to release the energy block and allow their natural energy to flow freely. People will notice this through changes in their behaviour and feelings.
Increased confidence and courage that replaces fear and inner turmoil.
Feelings of inner calm and ability to self soothe and calm themselves down when intrusive thoughts or fears start to bubble up.
Have the ability to avoid anything that will disturb their inner peace such as alcohol, horror films etc.
Will gain more insight into religious or esoteric lines of thought without the obsessive, fearful intrusive thoughts.
Will be able to access the higher spiritual spheres and be attracted to them rather than fearful of them.
4 drops x 4 times per day preferably on an empty stomach.
Using a dropper to put the drops straight on or under the tongue.
Hold in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing for maximum benefit.
Try not to let the dropper touch the tongue as this will transfer digestive enzymes back into the bottle.
If the symptoms are particularly acute you can increase the dosage to 4 drops every 10 – 30 minutes until you notice the symptoms improving.
Can be taken as often as it feels necessary but a minimum of 4 times per day to start feeling the benefits.
Alternatively, in acute cases you can add 2 drops to a drink, such as water or juice and sip frequently refilling as needed.
Note: Safe to use for babies, simply add the drops into the baby’s bottle.
It’s very rare for Flower Remedies to have any side effects, however in rare cases people can experience what is known as 'aggravation', this is simply that the original symptoms are temporarily intensified and you may feel worse for a short period of time before you start to notice benefits.